Sunday, October 2, 2016

7th Grade Personal Narrative Rubric (Evaluation for Essay)

Personal Narrative/Descriptive Writing Rubric

Needs Improvement—2
Not Yet—1

Strong lead makes the reader want to find out more
Good lead but could be altered though the reader still wants to continue
Lead is unremarkable and needs some work
Lead is unimaginative or too obvious and needs to be rewritten
Idea Development
Length of paper is appropriate and flows smoothly from one idea to the next
A few instances of clutter and/or not enough elaboration, but for the most part flows evenly
Good ideas but at times overshadowed by too much and/or too simplistic writing making paper seem choppy
Paper is far too long/short and loses focus or is boring because of overwriting and or no elaboration
Paper has excellent structure and is well organized
Paper has structure and organization though lacks unity because of occasional confusing details
Paper has some structure evident but at times is hard to follow or is not well organized
Paper’s structure is greatly lacking, interfering with reader’s ability to understand piece
Author’s voice is clearly evident and piece is thoughtful and well-written in a sophisticated and unique style
Author’s voice and personality is evident and effort was clearly put into the piece making piece enjoyable to read
Author’s voice is developing and shows some effort but at times the piece needs more work
Author’s voice is not evident and the entire story needs more work
Word Choice
Paper uses rich and sophisticated word choice and varied language throughout
Paper uses good word choice and some varied wording
Paper has simplistic word choice and some words are at times repetitive
Paper has too simplistic word choice and is far too repetitive
Sensory Details
Paper is rich in sensory details and shows rather than tells creating a vivid picture without overloading the reader
Paper has some strong sensory details making it enjoyable to read but there may be too few or not enough details, at times telling rather than showing
Paper has too few sensory details or far too many so the piece mainly tells rather than shows or use clichés causing reader to lose interest
Paper is lacking in sensory details and tells rather than shows using empty words and too many clichés

The final sentences clinch the piece well leaving the reader completely satisfied
The ending is good but does not fully clinch the paper, leaving the reader wanting more
The ending is too simple—it doesn’t fit the flow of the story or contains weak language leaving the reader confused
There is no real ending leaving the reader unsatisfied

Needs Improvement—2
Not Yet—1

Sentence Structure
Paper is well written using a variety of simple and complex sentence structures creating a smooth rhythm to the piece
Papers has a few sentence errors and/or is lacking in variety or complexity
Paper is beginning to be difficult to understand as there are many poorly constructed sentences or fragments
Paper is difficult to read because of too simplistic sentence structure and/or many fragments
Paragraph Placement
Strong paragraph placement throughout paper
Paragraphs are generally appropriate throughout though at times are too long and/or short
Paragraphs are only somewhat evident throughout paper
Paragraph placement is almost entirely or lacking all together
Conventions—spelling, punctuation, grammar, and capitalization
Paper is proofread well with only 1 or 2 errors
Paper has between 3 to 5 errors
Paper has between 6 to 8 errors as proofreading was not done well
Paper has more than 9 errors and shows little to no evidence of proofreading
Verb Tense
Verb tense remains consistent throughout
Verb tense is mainly consistent, though sometimes moves from past to present
Verb tenses are inconsistent throughout, affecting reader’s understanding of paper
Verb tenses are so inconsistent, paper is difficult to understand


Grade _________

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