Monday, September 24, 2018

PBS Kids Games Homework

Date: Monday September 24, 2018.
Topic:Healthy eating and the effects of sugar in our brain.

Homework: Get into Google (Chrome, Web Browser) then search on the internet for  My , Revisit My  review My Plate guidelines for specific healthy diet facts and guides.

Go to My and play some of the educational games available online  related to healthy eating, exercising, healthy living; then play for at least 15 minutes.

Name of Game:______________________
Time you began playing the game: __________
Time you ended playing the game:___________


Monday, September 17, 2018

assignment Sept. 19,2018

Puerto Rico Department of Education
Specialized Bilingual School S. U. Sabana Hoyos
Arecibo District
Introduction to Computers Class
Objective: Student will be able to web search for information or biographies online. Create a inventors and inventions catalog or portfolio in the classroom.
Topic: Inventors and Inventions Catalog
** Bring pictures (from Google Images) of every inventor (if available online) and add an image of their inventions, to use in the project in classroom.
Instructions: Following the teacher’s instructions and demonstrations search the web (using reliable sources) to look for information or biographies of the inventors and inventions discussed in class (list of 21 inventors) then search the web for information on their particular inventions. Write the biography and the invention information on a piece of paper the teacher will provide (E SENTENCES ONLY ) for you then paste the inventor’s picture (INCLUDING 3 SENTENCES ABOUT THE INVENTION) in the appropriate place on the paper (the teacher will give the instructions during class).
Due Date: Wednesday September 19, 2018.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Johannes Gutenberg, Alexander Graham Bell,Pascal, Babage, Noyce, Marconi

40 famous inventors of all time

The Invention of the wheel for kids

The Discovery of fire for kids

Inventors and Inventions Catalog Project

Web Search Lab Rubric
Student’s Name:__________________________________________________________________

1.       Turn On your Computer (value 5 points)
9.Select relevant information about the inventor.
*Write at least 5 sentences of relevant information about the inventor.(value 5 points)
2.       Identify the Web Browser on your desktop.
        (value 5 points)
10. Search for information on the INVENTION. *Choose 5 relevant facts about that invention.
*Include (Write)the 5 facts on the sheet you are  gathering the information on.(value 5 points)

3.       Search the Start Up Menu for the Web Browser.
             (value 5 points)
11. Continue the same process with the next inventor on the Famous Inventors List on your notebook. (value 5 points)
4.                   Look out for the search bar on your browser.(value 5 points)
12. After you are done gathering the information on your 21 Famous Inventors, And their inventions organize or categorize the inventor on their particular branch. Example: Mathematicians, Scientists, Inventors, Engineers, etc.
(value 5 points)
5.Place the cursor on the search bar. (value 5 points)
13.  Create a Divider page to separate each category. (value 5 points)
6.Write the name of the inventor your teacher selected to research on the search bar. (value 5 points)
14. Create a Portrait for your work.
Include: School Name, School District,
Tittle, Student Name, Grade, Group, Date. (value 5 points)
7..Select one of the options  that appears on the options provided. (value 5 points)
15.  Glue the Inventors and Inventions Pictures you brought from home, on the appointed placing on your work.  (value 5 points)
8. Read  carefully the information . Then evaluate the following questions:(value 5 points)

Is this information important or relevant to my work?

What do I really want to know about this inventor?

16. Revise, Edit, and Hand in your work for assessment to your teacher.(value 5 points)