Sunday, September 16, 2018

Inventors and Inventions Catalog Project

Web Search Lab Rubric
Student’s Name:__________________________________________________________________

1.       Turn On your Computer (value 5 points)
9.Select relevant information about the inventor.
*Write at least 5 sentences of relevant information about the inventor.(value 5 points)
2.       Identify the Web Browser on your desktop.
        (value 5 points)
10. Search for information on the INVENTION. *Choose 5 relevant facts about that invention.
*Include (Write)the 5 facts on the sheet you are  gathering the information on.(value 5 points)

3.       Search the Start Up Menu for the Web Browser.
             (value 5 points)
11. Continue the same process with the next inventor on the Famous Inventors List on your notebook. (value 5 points)
4.                   Look out for the search bar on your browser.(value 5 points)
12. After you are done gathering the information on your 21 Famous Inventors, And their inventions organize or categorize the inventor on their particular branch. Example: Mathematicians, Scientists, Inventors, Engineers, etc.
(value 5 points)
5.Place the cursor on the search bar. (value 5 points)
13.  Create a Divider page to separate each category. (value 5 points)
6.Write the name of the inventor your teacher selected to research on the search bar. (value 5 points)
14. Create a Portrait for your work.
Include: School Name, School District,
Tittle, Student Name, Grade, Group, Date. (value 5 points)
7..Select one of the options  that appears on the options provided. (value 5 points)
15.  Glue the Inventors and Inventions Pictures you brought from home, on the appointed placing on your work.  (value 5 points)
8. Read  carefully the information . Then evaluate the following questions:(value 5 points)

Is this information important or relevant to my work?

What do I really want to know about this inventor?

16. Revise, Edit, and Hand in your work for assessment to your teacher.(value 5 points)

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