Thursday, October 4, 2018

Student Computer Lab Use Contract_ Sign as soon as possible and Return

Student Computer Lab Use Contract

Below are policies that will regulate our use of the Internet and computer.  These rules have been designed to keep our computer and classroom functioning at the highest of standards.  In order to have access to e-mail, the Internet, and computer in the Computer Lab, please read the following and sign below.

  1. Follow Instructions at All Times!
  2. Students should not bring food or drinks into any computer lab. 
  3. These computers should only be used for educational use, only the programs/ searches the teacher assigns.
    1. Games, My Space, Facebook, Twitter, Internet Games, Youtube, chat rooms, Instant Messengers, Blog Websites, Fantasy Football/Basketball, etc are NOT permitted!!!
  4. Bypassing the school’s firewall.
  5. Students may not under any circumstances install software onto the computers.
  6. Students hacking, altering unauthorized files, or using the network in any way other than that intended will loose their computer privileges.
  7. Students must not move any equipment or cables.  Keyboards and mice must not be swapped between machines.
  8. Any behavior which threatens the physical safety of the equipment or other students will lead to the loss of privileges.
  9. NEVER give a password to anyone!!!
  10. No inappropriate language tolerated.
  11. Students should not change their desktop, screensaver, etc.
  12. Students should save on their Pen Drive only.
  13. Check your workstation everyday when you enter and leave the classroom.  Inform your teacher if anything is wrong.  The student is responsible for their workstation.
  14. These are just to name a few.  The students know what is acceptable and what is not.

          1st offense:  Call Home/Parent appointment with teacher.
          2nd offense:  Sent to the principal/social worker with a referral.
          3rd offense:  Loss of computer privileges.
          4th offense:  Removed from class with an F in the class.

These policies and procedures must be adhered to, and any violations of them will be met with zero tolerance.
  • Students must abide by their signed contracts.
  • The use of the computer is a privilege, not a right.
  • If this contract is broken, the student’s privilege will be revoked.

Sign and return immediately.

Student Signature:  _________________________________________  
Date:  ____________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature:  ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­___________________________________ 
Date:  ____________________________________________

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