Tuesday, May 21, 2019

I Am Thankful Poem November Microsoft Word Activity Windows 8/8.1

format text

Microsoft Word Processing Skills Activities for Younger Years

Typing Practice_Word

If you are new to word processing, you will probably benefit from some typing practice and need to do this entire task. Otherwise you can move on to section 4 (Editing a document).
1.      Enter the following text in a new document:
Jeremy Bentham
The philosopher and jurist Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) was born at Houndsditch, London, on 15th February 1748. He proved to be something of a child prodigy: while still a toddler he was discovered sitting at his father’s desk reading a multi-volume history of England, and he began to study Latin at the age of three. At twelve, he was sent to Queen’s College Oxford, his father, a prosperous attorney, having decided that Jeremy would follow him into the law, and feeling quite sure that his brilliant son would one day be Lord Chancellor of England.
Bentham, however, soon became disillusioned with the law, especially after hearing the lectures of the leading authority of the day, Sir William Blackstone (1723-80). Instead of practising the law, he decided to write about it, and he spent his life criticising the existing law and suggesting ways for its improvement. His father’s death in 1792 left him financially independent, and for nearly forty years he lived quietly in Westminster, producing between ten and twenty sheets of manuscript a day, even when he was in his eighties.
2.      Save the file with the name jeremy.doc on the R: drive in the training.dir\word\getting-started folder.
3.      Close the file.

using toolbars_ Word

Using Toolbars

1.      Right click anywhere on the toolbar to display the toolbar options.
2.      Left click on Drawing to display the Drawing toolbar. Note that it appears at the bottom of your document screen.
3.      Right click on the Drawing toolbar and Left click on Drawing to remove it from your screen.
4.      Press Alt+V to display the View menu. Click on Toolbars to display the dialog box.  Select Table and Borders.
5.      This toolbar will be displayed as a floating toolbar. You can drag the title bar of the toolbar and place it anywhere on your screen. Click on the Close button on the toolbar title bar to close it.
6.      Click on the double arrow to the right of the Standard toolbar to display more toolbar buttons.
7.      Click on Add or Remove Buttons to display a list of Standard toolbar buttons. Select (or deselect) the buttons you want to appear on your toolbar.
8.      Click away from your toolbar to deselect it.

Word 2013 Activity 2 May 22nd. 2019.


What you will learn:

  • Changing font and size
  • Changing alignment
  • Using bold and underlining
  • Typing using word wrap (soft return)

1.       Open a blank Word document.
2.       Change to Arial style font, size 14.  (Font style and size are located in the upper tool bar.)
3.       Type:  your name (first and last).  Hit ENTER once.
4.       Type: Word Processing Activity 1.  Press ENTER key 2 times.
5.       Type: the name of your school in a different font and use size 18 point.  Press ENTER key 2 times.
6.       Type the following paragraph.  Do not indent.  At the end of each paragraph, press the ENTER key two times.

Master Yoda says that fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.  Master Yoda is very smart.  
Emperor Palpatine said that a Jedi gains power through understanding and a Sith gains understanding through power.
7.       Type your name once again.  Underline it.  Italicize it.  Bold it. 
8.       Change the first paragraph to right alignment.  (Alignment icons are to the right of B I U series.) Hold your cursor on top of them to read which one is which.)
9.       Change the second paragraph to justified alignment.
10.   Center your name at the bottom using the centering alignment icon. 
11.   Make the school name Bold.  (Use the B icon.).
12.   Proofread your assignment with the sample on the back.  The margins may be different so length of lines might vary.    
13.   Save as Activity 1.  (FILE – SAVE AS.  Click on the down arrow next to My Documents.  Click on your log in name.  Type Activity 1 under File Name.  Click on Save.)
14.   Open Edmodo.com and log in to your account.  Find Word Activity One on the list of assignments.  Click “turn it in”.  You will need to browse in your network files and find Activity 1, click on it, and then click TURN IN ASSIGNMENT.  In a few days you will find the grade posted.  If you click on the grade, the comments made by the teacher can also be read.  Be sure to read these comments as they will give you helpful information in completing additional work. 
15.   You will NOT print unless directed by your instructor.   If asked to print, go to FILE – PRINT.  Make sure one copy only is marked.  To make sure you print ONLY the page you currently typed, click CURRENT PAGE.  Then click OK. 

  Teacher Sample
Activity 1

Baker Middle School

Master Yoda says that fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger.  Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.  Master Yoda is very smart.

Emperor Palpatine said that a Jedi gains power through understanding and a Sith gains understanding through power.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

MS Word

Microsoft Word or MS-WORD (often called Word) is a graphical word processing program that users can type with. It is made by the computercompany Microsoft. Its purpose is to allow users to type and save documents.
Similar to other word processors, it has helpful tools to make documents.
§  Spelling & grammar checker, word count (this also counts letters and lines)
§  Inserts pictures in documents
§  Web pages, graphs, etc.
§  Tables
§  Displays synonyms of words and can read out the text
§  Prints in different ways
MS Word is part of Microsoft Office, but can also be bought separately.
The program was first released in 1981. Many of the ideas and features in Microsoft Word came from Bravo, the first graphical writing program. Microsoft bought the Bravo program, and changed its name to Microsoft Word. When it first came out, it was not very popular, and did not sell as well as other writing programs like WordPerfect. Although it was not very popular when it came out, it had a feature called WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), which meant that people can change the visual style of writing (e.g. bold, italics), by clicking on buttons, when in other programs like WordPerfect, people had to add special 'codes' to change the style of writing. WYSIWYG is now a common feature of all computer writing programs.
There are versions for Microsoft Word for other operating systems as well as Microsoft Windows. New versions support fewer operating systems, although they always support Windows.

Microsoft Word for Mac 2011

Monday, March 25, 2019

Creating, Sending and Customizing an email Account/Message Evaluation Rubric

Second Unit Sabana Hoyos Specialized Bilingual School
Creating, Composing, Sending an Email Evaluation Rubric
Student Name:_______________________________________                                 Date:________________________________
Grade/Group: _____________________         Course: Introduction to Computer use:   Unit 3                          Mrs. Cinthia Maldonado



Needs Improving 10-7

Creating  an email account/ with parents aid.
Student is able to create an email account with parents or teacher’s aide.

Student email address:
 Parts of an email
The student is able to identify/fill the parts of an email correctly. The text is clearly written an descriptive. Signature is included at the end of email.

The student is able to:
·         Fill the Recipient email address correctly
·         Fill the Subject of the email correctly
·         Fill the body of the email address correctly

Sending an email
·         Student is able to send successfully an email to the teacher during class correctly.

·         Student is able to attach a file, document or picture to the email correctly.

100 points

Fourth and Fifth Grade Only

Video conference
·         Student is able to initiate by his/her self a video conference with teacher in the classroom.
·         Student is able to add contacts to list.

Audio call using Gmail/ Yahoo mail
·         Student is able to initiate an audio call using the options provided on Google Mail.

·         Student is able to join, create, a chat using email contact list.

150 points