Tuesday, May 21, 2019

using toolbars_ Word

Using Toolbars

1.      Right click anywhere on the toolbar to display the toolbar options.
2.      Left click on Drawing to display the Drawing toolbar. Note that it appears at the bottom of your document screen.
3.      Right click on the Drawing toolbar and Left click on Drawing to remove it from your screen.
4.      Press Alt+V to display the View menu. Click on Toolbars to display the dialog box.  Select Table and Borders.
5.      This toolbar will be displayed as a floating toolbar. You can drag the title bar of the toolbar and place it anywhere on your screen. Click on the Close button on the toolbar title bar to close it.
6.      Click on the double arrow to the right of the Standard toolbar to display more toolbar buttons.
7.      Click on Add or Remove Buttons to display a list of Standard toolbar buttons. Select (or deselect) the buttons you want to appear on your toolbar.
8.      Click away from your toolbar to deselect it.

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