Thursday, October 8, 2015

Canterbury tales vocabulary words

Instructions:  Translate the vocabulary word then write down the definition of the words.

The Canterbury Tales  by Geoffrey Chaucer

I.                   Vocabulary Words:

  1. 1-    Engendering: (engendrar) act of reproducing.
  2. 2-    Zephyrus: God of the west wind.
  3. 3-The Ram: Aries- a sign of the zodiac, establishes the season (setting). Time is mid-April.
  4. 4-    Sundry: (Varios)Various
  5. 5-    Hostelry: (Hostal- hosteleria) Inn or hotel
  6. 6-    Canterbury Cathedral: (Catedral de      Canterbury)- Worship place
  7. 7-    Pilgrimage:(peregrinaje) journey to a sacred place
  8. 8-    Devout:(devoto): having or showing deep religious feeling or commitment.
  9. 9-Fellowship: compania, grupo de personas.- Friendly association, especially with people that share the same interest.
  10. 10-Pledge: (juramento, promesa)- a solemn promise or undertaking.
  11. 11-Chivalry: (Caballeroso) -the medieval knightly system with its religious, moral, and social code.
  12. 12-Heathen: (pagano) :pagan, infidel, idolatrous,non believer.
  13. 13-Alexandria(Alejandría):  the chief port of Egypt; population 4,084,700 (est. 2006). Founded in 332 bc by Alexander the Great, it was a major center of Hellenistic culture, renowned for its library and for the Pharos lighthouse.
  14. 14-Lists:
  15. 15-Jousted: 
  16. 16-Gaily dressed: (alegremente vestido) :daintily dressed
  17. 17-Cadet: (cadete):a young trainee in the armed services or police force. 
  18. 18-Squire: escudero:a young nobleman acting as an attendant to a knight before becoming a knight himself.
  19. Pages:34, 35, 36, 37(Text Book)- 12 Grade

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