Sunday, October 11, 2015

Characterization Methods and Examples


The main character in a story is called the protagonist.  She or he is always involved in the main conflict and its resolution.
The person opposing the protagonist is called the antagonist.
When doing an Elements of Fiction hand, use the methods of characterization (flat, round, dynamic, or static) to describe the protagonists and antagonists in the story.

Methods of Characterization:

* Flat Characterization
         A character who has one or two sides, representing one or two traits—often a stereotype.                      Flat characters help move the plot along more quickly because the audience                                          immediately understands what the character is about.

*Round Characterization
         A character who is complex and has many sides or traits with unpredictable behavior and a fully          developed personality. Antagonists are usually a round characterization. 

*Dynamic Characterization
          A character who experiences an essential change in personality or attitude. Protagonists are                 almost always dynamic.

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